Psychotronic Games

There's Something Out There
In the mid-70’s, a quiet New England community experienced a series of unsettling supernatural events. Reports of monster sightings flooded the police station, and residents began to panic. In an effort to restore order, the town mayor calls for a meeting where those that have seen the beasts will tell their stories. But some believe the reports are a hoax, and they’ve come to reveal the truth.
Appoint 1 player to be Town Mayor and divide remaining players into 2 teams: Believers and Skeptics

3-7 (Ages 8+)

~ 30 min
Believers go First:
- Draw a Location card and begin your story:
“There was a beast in the _____ ...”
- Continue the tale by drawing 3 Beast cards 1 at a time and describe the beast after each draw:
“It was ___, and ___ ...”
- Finish by drawing 2 Action cards, one for what the beast did, and one for how your group escaped:
“The beast ___ and we ___...”
Skeptics Respond:
- Draw 1 Skeptic card and debunk the Believers’ tale:
“You really saw ____ because...”
Mayor Decides Which Story is Most Believable
- That Team Gets 1 Point
- Losing team appoints a new Mayor (they
switch places with the old Mayor)
- First team to 3 points wins