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Big Changes

Wow time flies when you're making plans! We're finally all done with all the shuffling of things so now we can make our Big Announcement! Psychotronic Games is going to be officially merging with its sister brand, Ark--BarkArts! This means there will be a few important changes happening. Most importantly, our web store has shut down, and all of our stock has been relisted in the Ark--Bark Arts! Store, which can be found here: We'll also be pulling back from our twitter account and all updates/wips will instead be posted by @ArkBarkArt. Our Instagram and Facebook pages will also be shut down and all content moved to Ark's accounts (ark.bark on ig & arkbarkarts on fb) This is mostly due to a lack of consistent production! We don't have enough content output on our own to keep our social media pages alive. We will still be creating games and selling at events though! So don't worry, we're not leaving for good! Our games will still have our logo on them and when we appear at game-specific events it will be under Psychotronic Games as it has been in the past This is a step forward for us! Not back! Ark's more frequent content output will allow us to stay afloat in this fast-paced social media landscape. We're happy you've stuck with us this long, & we hope to produce many new things for you all with this new setup. Stay tuned!

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